1st floor, Shri Ganesh Building, opp. Amruta Hotel, off LBS, Uthalsar Thane West 400601

Diabetes Specialist in Thane

Harmony is the best Diabetes Specialist in Thane

Looking for Diabetes Specialist in Thane? Harmony Clinic provides the best services. Book an appointment now.


    Insulin Resistance

    Insulin is actually an essential hormone in our body, secreated from Pancreas. It acts like a key and opens channels which help Glucose in the blood enter the body cells like the muscles and fat tissues. So it is the hormone which makes your body utilise glucose which is the energy source coming from food effectively. And hence it prevents increased blood glucose level in the body. Means it makes you non-diabetic.

    So what happens in Insulin resistance? When you gain weight, especially around the waist, the insulin will not act effectively and our pancreas will try to compensate for this by increasing the production of insulin so that diabetes does not happen. With increased insulin levels, dark coloured patch around the neck (also known as acanthosis nigricans) and skin tags will occur and periods may become irregular.

    The reduction in insulin resistance will not just keep you away from diabetes, but also reduce the skin hyperpigmentation, help with inch loss and regularize menses. Here in Harmony, we offer comprehensive management of IR.

    Type 1 Diabetes

    This type of diabetes occurs as a result of autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the islets of Langerhans. So insulin production is nil to minimal, as reflected from low levels of C-peptide. Type 1 Diabetes needs insulin injection for keeping blood glucose levels normal. Antibodies against several autoantigens in the pancreatic beta cells are seen including glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), IA 2, ZnT8. even though this is the most common type of diabetes in children, type 1 Diabetes may also be found in adults.

    Type 2 Diabetes

    In a typical adult-onset type 2 diabetes, pancreas fails to produce the required amount of insulin. There is also insulin resistance, often early in diabetes insulin levels and insulin production is high; but this insulin is ineffective so the blood glucose level starts to rise and Diabetes occurs.

    Sometimes, this type 2 Diabetes needs to differentiate from other variants such as Maturity-onset Diabetes of young (MODY) or latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA).

    Insulin pump therapy

    Children with type 1 Diabetes mellitus need to take 4 injections of insulin daily, which becomes cumbersome. An insulin pump is a novel therapy for Type 1 Diabetes where a machine attached beneath the skin gives a continuous supply of insulin. This precludes the need to take insulin injections, yet keeping blood glucose level normal. Some of the advanced pumps also have a setting where you can see your blood glucose level and take the action of administering insulin instantly. This ensures normal blood glucose level and thus, minimizes the complications of Diabetes including Diabetic ketoacidosis, retinopathy, or nephropathy; known to occur in uncontrolled type 1 Diabetes.

    Gestational Diabetes

    Gestational Diabetes is diabetes in the mother diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy. Such pregnancies often have complicated deliveries mostly needing Cesarean section. Any level above normal blood sugar level can make the baby grow very large, and after birth, such babies are at risk of developing low sugar, low calcium and may need neonatal ICU support.

    Often already a diabetic lady conceives. In such a woman, it is crucial than sugar level in first trimester (I.e. 1st 3 months of pregnancy, when fetus’ organs are developing) remains absolutely normal so that the baby will be developed without any malformation. We target HbA1c at 6% for healthy pregnancy prior to conception.

    Often during pregnancy, insulin injections are required as the sugar tablets are not safe for the baby. Here in Harmony, we monitor and advise optimum diabetic management with insulin, reaching pregnancy goals for sugar control, use newer techniques for insulin dose titration such as CGMS (Continous Glucose Monitoring System). We also give dietary advise and safe exercises during pregnancy.

    Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

    Also known as CGMS, is the one of the most recent advances in the management of Diabetes. It actually tells you the blood glucose level in your body for continuous 24 hours and for 14 days once the machine is applied to the skin. It has a great value when a patient’s blood sugar level is fluctuating, or getting low during sleep time or when patient is on insulin.

    Here in Harmony, we apply CGMS machine to the patient, and assess the glycemic variabilitily every 3rd to 7th days and adjust the dose of insulin or medications. This way you can know your sugar level constantly without a single prick.

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    Patients Who Loved Us

    Testimonials from the patients who came to us with their problem and got well & gone home with their smile back on the face.

    Being a diabetic at 37, I was happy to get acquainted to an Erudite, Professional, Accommodating and Soft-spoken Expert – Dr. Apoorva Hajirnis. I have had too many questions; I was attended with great patience. I am extremely delighted with the treatment & positive modifications in my lifestyle. Thank you for accepting Tele-consulting request due to my official tours.
    Poorwal Oak
    Before I met Dr. Apoorva , I was suffering from high sugar since last 5-6 years , after meeting her and taking Dr. Apoorva's consultation I am enjoying normal and healthy life.
    Vedika Vaidya
    I am 41 year old and suffering from diabetes from almost 8 years and taking treatment from Dr Apoorva Hajirnis from last three years. My HBA1C count which was above 8.6 earlier is now under control . The soft speaking skill , correct examination and accurate prescription are effective qualities of Dr Apoorva Hajirnis which have increase their patient count in very short time.
    Prashant Chandratre
    Dr Apoorva is a very compassionate doctor, patiently listens to the problem and explains about the disease. She believes in treating the person as a whole and rather than just prescribing medicines, she believes in natural cure of the problem through lifestyle modification.
    Hardik Vora

    The Best Diabetes specialist in Thane – Dr Apoorva Hajirnis

    Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar levels. It can have multiple long-term complications where the patient ultimately requires insulin. Moreover, in diabetes, the pancreas decreases the production of insulin – an essential hormone that makes the body utilize glucose. Diabetes is of two types – Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

    Dr Apoorva Hajirnis, the best Diabetes specialist in Thane, and her team work together to provide you with the best medical assistance and treatment. She deals with diseases through lifestyle modification as well as medical expertise. Moreover, we work closely with you to keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible.

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    How do we provide the best diabetes treatment?

    • Firstly, our team has intensive knowledge of the field and extensive expertise in their respective fields
    • Secondly, we understand the requirements, problems and medical history of our patients beforehand
    • Further, we focus on treating the person as a whole rather than just the disease
    • Moreover, we have a unique approach towards treating the patients and curing diseases
    • Lastly, we have had many happy patients who are leading a healthier and happier life now

    Why choose us?

    We not only claim to be the best diabetes specialist in Thane but also prove it through our medical assistance. Here are the reasons why you should choose us:

    • We have in-depth knowledge of the disease and available treatment options
    • We spend time with our patients to understand their requirements
    • Moreover, we keep up with the latest advancements in the medical field as well as technology

    Therefore, get the best diabetes treatment from the finest diabetes specialist in Thane. For further details or information, feel free to get in touch with us.


    Contact Us for more information & we would be happy to help you.