What is obesity?
Obesity is a condition where an individual has a BMI score of 30 or more. BMI is a calculation that considers a person’s height and weight to measure body size. Obesity is a complex disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat. Moreover, it isn’t just a weight issue. It is a medical concern that increases the risk of other health problems as well as diseases.

What are the causes of obesity?
When you eat more calories than you burn over a long-time, it leads to obesity. Therefore, before you go to get obesity treatment in Thane, you must understand the causes of obesity.
● Genetics – They can affect the way your body processes food into energy as well as how your body stores fat.
● Not getting enough sleep – This can lead to hormonal changes that might make you feel hungrier as well as crave certain high-calorie foods.
● Growing older – It can lead to a decrease in muscle mass along with a slower metabolic rate. This makes it easier to gain weight
● Pregnancy – With the increase in weight during pregnancy, it might make it difficult to lose weight. Eventually, it will lead to obesity.
● Health conditions – PCOD. PCOS, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Cushing Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Hypothyroidism and more
How is obesity diagnosed?
An obesity specialist in Thane will diagnose obesity in the following ways:
● BMI or Body Mass Index – It serves as a rough calculation of the weight of a person when compared to their height
● Other measures such as skinfold thickness tests, waist-to-hip comparisons, ultrasounds, MRI and CT scans among others
● Blood tests to determine the glucose and cholesterol levels
● Liver function tests
● Thyroid tests
● Diabetes screening
● Heart tests such as ECG or EKG
What are the complications of obesity?
You can get to the best obesity specialist in Thane for the finest obesity treatment in Thane. However, it is best to know the complications beforehand.
● Heart diseases
● Type 2 diabetes
● High blood pressure
● Stroke
● Gallbladder or fatty liver disease
● Arthritis
● Infertility
● High cholesterol
● Sleep apnea or breathing problems
Therefore, with the obesity specialist in Thane, we offer the best medical assistance and treatment to you. For further information on obesity treatment in Thane, feel free to get in touch with us. We’ll be glad to assist.