1st floor, Shri Ganesh Building, opp. Amruta Hotel, off LBS, Uthalsar Thane West 400601

Reproductive Endocrinology Clinic in Thane

Harmony is the best Reproductive Endocrinology Clinic in Thane

Looking for Reproductive Endocrinology clinic in Thane? Harmony Clinic provides the best services. Book an appointment now.


    There are male and female sex organs viz testis and ovaries.

    Testis produces sperms and testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that carries out all the sexual functions such as sex drive, intercourse, body hair growth, etc as well as certain important non-sexual functions such as muscular development, hemoglobin production, calcium deposition in the bones, etc.

    Loss of this testosterone or reduced levels of testosterone is termed as male Hypogonadism.

    Features are:

    • Incomplete sexual development
    • Reduced libido
    • Reduced facial, chest and body hair
    • Reduced shaving frequency
    • Minimal trauma fractures
    • Decreased energy, vitality
    • Decreased motivation, self-confidence

    This is a totally treatable entity that yields very good results clinically. If pituitary-related hormones are deficient (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism), certain injections of Humog and Hucog can be given to improve fertility. When testes themselves are damaged (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism),  testosterone injections need to be given. In our center, we not only recognize who needs these therapies but we also prescribe judiciously and do proper monitoring while on this therapy.

    Female Hypogonadism

    Similar to testosterone, ovaries in females produce estrogen which is responsible for sexual functions such as regular menses, normal libido, natural conception, etc, and non-sexual functions like lipid metabolism, strong bones, etc.

    Premature Ovarian Failure

    Ovaries fail to function, often due to autoimmune causes. So this is fairly common in women with other autoimmune disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis or Systemic lupus erythematosus or even Hypothyroidism. We believe in treating these women with cyclical therapy of estrogen and progesterone so that most of the functions are normal. Osteoporosis with increased risk of frequent and trivial trauma fracture and early development of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, hypertension can be really problematic in these women. Hence we advise early, proper diagnosis with hormonal treatment.

    Happy Patients
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    Patients Who Loved Us

    Testimonials from the patients who came to us with their problem and got well & gone home with their smile back on the face.

    Being a diabetic at 37, I was happy to get acquainted to an Erudite, Professional, Accommodating and Soft-spoken Expert – Dr. Apoorva Hajirnis. I have had too many questions; I was attended with great patience. I am extremely delighted with the treatment & positive modifications in my lifestyle. Thank you for accepting Tele-consulting request due to my official tours.
    Poorwal Oak
    Before I met Dr. Apoorva , I was suffering from high sugar since last 5-6 years , after meeting her and taking Dr. Apoorva's consultation I am enjoying normal and healthy life.
    Vedika Vaidya
    I am 41 year old and suffering from diabetes from almost 8 years and taking treatment from Dr Apoorva Hajirnis from last three years. My HBA1C count which was above 8.6 earlier is now under control . The soft speaking skill , correct examination and accurate prescription are effective qualities of Dr Apoorva Hajirnis which have increase their patient count in very short time.
    Prashant Chandratre
    Dr Apoorva is a very compassionate doctor, patiently listens to the problem and explains about the disease. She believes in treating the person as a whole and rather than just prescribing medicines, she believes in natural cure of the problem through lifestyle modification.
    Hardik Vora

    Contact Us for more information & we would be happy to help you.