What does your thyroid do?
Your thyroid has a crucial role to play within your body. It releases and controls the thyroid hormones as well as controls metabolism. Moreover, metabolism is a process where your body transforms the food you consume into energy.
The thyroid is responsible for controlling your metabolism with a few hormones – T4 (thyroxine, which contains four iodine atoms) and T3 (triiodothyronine, which contains three iodine atoms). These hormones created by the thyroid tell your body how much to use energy. When the thyroid is working properly, it maintains the amount of the right hormone to keep the metabolism working right. with the use of the right hormones, the thyroid creates replacement.
Who is affected by thyroid disease?
Let’s understand from the best thyroid doctors in Thane – who get affected by thyroid disease. Moreover, it can affect anyone from a child to the elderly. It can be present at birth as well as develop with age. However, you are at a higher risk of developing thyroid disease if you have:
● Family history of thyroid disease
● A medical condition
● Take iodine high medications
● Older than 60 – especially women
● Past treatment for thyroid condition or cancer
What causes thyroid disease?
Thyroid has two main types – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. However, the best thyroid doctors in Thane states that the causes can be other diseases as well that affect the way of working of the thyroid gland.
● Thyroiditis – Inflammation of the thyroid gland that lowers the amount of hormones production
● Postpartum thyroiditis might occur in some women after childbirth. However, it is usually a temporary condition.
● Iodine deficiency is an issue that affects many people around the world. the thyroid uses iodine to produce hormones.
● Grave’s disease – A condition where the thyroid gland can be overactive and produce too much hormone
● Nodules – They can cause hyperthyroidism if they are overactive within the thyroid
Therefore, with the best thyroid doctors in Thane, we offer the best medical assistance and treatment to you. For further information on thyroid treatment, feel free to get in touch with us. We’ll be glad to assist.